Sunday, July 21, 2019

I'm Back!

It's been a while, I know.
I have a new laptop, which means I can create a blog post and it won't take
me three hours to complete.  Time is precious, right?

We are currently in the process of building our garage.  This will take some time
since everything comes in stages.  The next step is cement.

Here's a little before picture for you.

That is correct.  That bare space is how it's been.  
This will be the first garage we've ever had in 34 years of marriage.
 I may have to do gym time in the winter, since I won't be keeping my arms in shape by scraping windows.
(FYI - my arms were never in shape)
 And, yes, that is a bus you see.
It's for sale!
You know you are.
Contact me.  :)

Here is where we're at now.

Now this is not just a garage.
It will host our family gatherings.
When it's my turn to have my sewing sisters over, this is where we will sew.
We will do our canning in here in the fall.
I'll be hosting my classes in here until my she shed is built.
So basically, it's a multi-purpose building.  LOL

More to come on this little adventure as it comes together.
But I wanted you to know (if you're still around) that I'm alive
and well!  

Until next time, keep on keeping on and God Bless!

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